Security Analysis in Probabilistic Distributed Protocols via Bounded Reachability

TitleSecurity Analysis in Probabilistic Distributed Protocols via Bounded Reachability
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsPelozo, SS, D'Argenio, PR
EditorPalamidessi, C, Ryan, MD
Book TitleTrustworthy Global Computing
Series TitleLecture Notes in Computer Science
ISBN Number978-3-642-41156-4
AbstractWe present a framework to analyze security properties in distributed protocols. The framework is constructed on top of the so called (strongly) distributed schedulers where secrecy is also considered. Secrecy is presented as an equivalence class on actions to those components that do not have access to such secrets; however these actions can be distinguished by those with appropriate clearance. We also present an algorithm to solve bounded reachability analysis on this kind of models. The algorithm appropriately encodes the nondeterministic model by interpreting the decisions of the schedulers as parameters. The problem is then reduced to a polynomial optimization problem.
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