MEALS Momentum Gathering

31st of August, 2013. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Satellite event of CONCUR 2013.
Computing systems are getting ever more ubiquitous, making us dependent on their proper functioning. MEALS is a European research project under IRSES Exchange Programme focused on designing and developing methods which provide a formal approach to model, understand, and analyze systems, wrt their required behavior: correct (i.e. they conform their intended behaviour), safe (i.e. its operation does not have catastrophic consequences), reliable, available to provide the intended service, and secure (i.e., no user without appropriate clearance can access or modify protected data).
The purpose of the MEALS Momentum Gathering is to bring researchers, practitioners and industry together to discuss the issues, challenges and latest solutions for formal techniques for the specification, verification and synthesis of dependable ubiquitous computing systems, with respect to both qualitative (i.e. pure non-deterministic models) as well as quantitative behaviour (i.e. extended with probabilistic information). The workshop is targeted towards researchers interested in formal methods in all their aspects: foundations (their mathematical and logical basis), algorithmic advances (the conceptual basis for software tool support) and practical considerations (tool construction and case studies). The workshop will feature a number of distinguished presentations on newest challenges, new techniques, case studies, and tool demonstrations.
Registration and Traveling
Please follow the information at CONCUR 2013 website.
9:00 | Invited Talks: Joint session with TRENDS |
Holger Hermanns (Saarland University, DE) El futuro de la enseñanza de la programación concurrente |
Mohammad Reza Mousavi (Halmstad University, SE) Concurrency Theory Applied to Testing Software Systems: From Theory to Practice and Back |
10:30 | Cofee break |
11:00 | Empanadas |
Thomas Noll (RWTH Aachen University, DE) Characterization of Failure Effects on AADL Models |
Sebastian Uchitel (Universidad de Buenos Aires, AR) Abstractions for Behaviour Validation |
Carlos Lopez Pombo (Universidad de Buenos Aires, AR) Satisfiability in general logics and software analysis |
12:30 | Lunch |
14:00 | Asado |
Valeria Bengolea (Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto, AR) Incremental SAT Solving and Tight Bounds for Test Generation under Rich Contracts |
Sjoerd Cranen (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, NL) A translation from CTL* to the first-order µ-calculus |
Guillaume Hoffmann (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, AR) Tableaux for Relation-Changing Modal Logics |
Nazareno Aguirre (Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto, AR) Automated Goal Operationalisation based on Interpolation and SAT Solving |
Julien Lange (University of Leicester, UK) Choreography Synthesis as Contract Agreement |
16:00 | Coffee Break |
16:30 | Queso y Dulce |
Uli Fahrenberg (INRIA, FR) Generalized Quantitative Analysis of Metric Transition Systems |
Luis Fernando Pino Duque (INRIA, FR) Algorithms for Bisimilarity in Concurrent Constraint Programming |
Matias D. Lee (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, AR) Axiomatizing bisimilarity of Probabilistic Transition System Specifications |
Holger Hermanns (Saarland University, DE) The timing of Stuxnet |
Organization: Marcelo Frias